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Friday, August 19, 2016

Oh Coffee!! What would I do without you!

Coffee!!!! Let's be real for a minute! There is absolutely no way I could get through life as a mother without it! I need it! Coffee and my morning prayer and believe me today is a day that calls for a extra cup... or maybe two. It just one of those days where you can't seem to do anything right. Where everything that could possibly go wrong does, and it all happens at the exact same moment! So today as I am at home eagerly awaiting the school year to begin I cherish my bible time and my coffee!! 

I have to make my own coffee because the nearest Starbucks is about 15 minutes away. Trust me when I say it would take way more than 15 minutes to get there. You have to factor in there sheer amount of time it would take for me to get all 4 kids ready and out the door. 

So my I brew my own! My favorite coffee I have ever had I got at Sweet Water Coffee and Tea so I do my best to mimic that as home. We do a cold brewed coffee in our french press with a little cream and some raw sugar. Can you say DELICIOUS!  
(we aren't even going to worry about the amount of calories in this drink)

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