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Monday, February 13, 2017

Making Mom Friends

When you become a mother your whole world changes. In fact from the beginning of your pregnancy or start of the adoption process is when it starts. Suddenly every aspect of your life has changed, you care less about yourself and more about this tiny little person that will soon enter your life. During the process your friendships will change drastically. When that tiny little bundle of joy does make its arrival your life is even more devoted to caring for them. So lets face it, we can tend to rarely leave the house. So with your life so different and the sheer fact that your schedule kinda revolves around baby how do you make friends?

For me there were two places that I found to really make Mom friends! The first place is...

When I was pregnant with my second I found a website called baby center. They have a community that has groups that are for people due in the same month as you. So I joined, from there a Facebook group was created and I joined there as well and have been able to form some lasting friendships with people around the country. You have to be careful when doing this but they have actual mom out there who are not just some creepers trolling behind a computer. Look on baby center or search Facebook for local mom groups that have meet ups.

The second place I have found that I have meet the majority of my mom friend is...

Church!! Its such a great place to meet friends. When I first decided to start going to church I had just had my first baby and really had no friends. We started attending church regularly and would get to service early to have some fellowship time. I quickly meet a good group of women and started building friendships with them. We meet up outside of church and have playdates, we text throughout the week and encourage one another. I can't imagine life with out my mom friends I meet through church!

To find Online Groups

To find a local church search on Facebook or

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


PTO or Parent Teacher Organization those are words that can be overwhelming and scary for a mom. What is PTO? What do they do? Are PTO moms mean? I myself had the preconceived notion that the PTO was full of those "mean moms" who were the "Pinterest Perfect" moms and judged every mom who wasn't like them. I aways thought I wouldn't be welcome because I had my first child when I was 20 so I am considered a younger mom. So for years I was absolutely terrified of the PTO. I always wanted to go, I desperately wanted to be involved in my kids school but I just couldn't work up the nerve to go. So finally when my oldest was in 3rd grade I decided to give it a shot. If its terrible then I never have to go again. I went to my first meeting and I absolutely loved it! Boy was I 100% wrong about what it would be like. Everyone was so nice and welcoming. The meeting wasn't to long, they didn't twist my arm into committing to anything and it felt great to know what was going on and be involved. So the moral of the story here, don't ever judge anything before trying it first. If you have been like I was and afraid of judgment, don't be! We are all moms just trying to do the best we can and everyone understands that. There is no better way to be involved in your kids school than volunteering in their class and also going to the PTO meetings! Also our PTO does a gift card giveaway at every meeting and last time I WON!!! YAY ME!!

To find your schools PTO you can go to the schools website or message your child teacher for all the PTO details.