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Friday, August 26, 2016

Grocery Shopping With Kids

Grocery shopping with kids! Why do I ever think this is a good idea?? It can turn out ok, but on the other hand it can be completely and utterly terrible! We get there get everyone unloaded from the van(which is a task itself) and get started. Then it usually never fails that someone has to pee urgently. So we truck our way over to the bathroom and I flag down a worker to make sure they know I am leaving the cart but I will be right back. Then I have to get the baby out and all 4 kids and I head into the bathroom. 

When we finally get done with that ordeal and get back to shopping is when the whining and asking for things starts! "How much do we have to get?" "Can I have a lunchable?" Can we get chips?" "Can I have a toy?" "Mom Derrick touched me!" "Mom Natalie is standing in my spot" and so on. The Check out.. oh man check out! Why do they put all this candy in the checkout lane? All of a sudden everyone just HAS TO HAVE candy.  That exactly what you need kid.. more sugar.. nope, not happening.  But Seriously why do I ever think this is a good idea. Between all that and trying to stop the hungry 9 month old from licking the bottom dirt spot on the watermelon, it leaves me exhausted! I can't be alone in this?? 

If you feel the same way or have any helpful tips on grocery shopping with kids leave a comment below!

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