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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Teach Your Kids to Pray

Prayer is a very important aspect of life as a follower of Christ. My husband and I are Children's Pastors at our church. We truly believe that you teach your kids about prayer. This is something that is so important for us to be doing in our homes as parents. So how do we teach our kids to pray?

 The main thing we focus on is Prayer is just talking to God. God is completely approachable and He is our heavenly father! There isn't some carefully calculated formula that you have to say just the right words for Him to hear you. Just talk to him. When they understand this they won't say "I can't pray, I don't know how." It also eases some fear they may have that they won't do this whole prayer thing right.

Secondly we lead by example. We make sure they see us praying. We pray for each other every day throughout the day. If someone shares a prayer request with me or the Lord places someone in particular on my heart to pray for, I will gather the kids and have them pray with me. We pray every single night before bed as a family and when we do this we give the kids turns to pray if they would like. We also ask them if there is anyone or anything they want to pray for.

Train up a child in the way he should go,

And when he is old he will not depart from it.- Proverbs 22:6 NKJV

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